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THE Note Pe Chot at 8 11: A Comedy Film on the Impact of Demonetization


Satire Comedy NA 09 Mar 2018 Hindi Go To: Cast and Crew News Story Photos and Videos (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle[]).push();(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle[]).push();(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle[]).push();(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle[]).push();SummaryCritic ReviewsUser ReviewsStory:Note Pe Chot At 8/11 is a Hindi Satire Comedy based on the demonetization and the impact it had on people. The Plot: When you want to do something big with your money to show your money power and the very next moment you hear the voice "bhaiyo beheno" in your TV Sets and a big declaration occurs on note ban. In no time you find your dreams scattered. Now what next you do to retain your pomposity. Its all about that. Its a family entertainer and a social satire what compels you to think before splurging your money on petty things.If you are a representative of the production house, kindly send the synopsis to support@moviekoop.comCast and Crew: Manoj Bakshi Priya Choudhury Disha Sachdeva Directed by: Imran Ahmed Khan Produced by: Bala Sharma (Jyoti Sharma), Mudit Jain Screenplay:Pankaj TiwariStory by:Pankaj Tiwari Music by:Neeru-Tochi Raina, RaulCinematography (DOP):Raju GognaEdited by:JD SinghProduction Company:Kreative Krishna Entertainment, Umaraji EntertainmentDistributed by:Adamant PicturesEnglish Subtitles:No (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle[]).push();Sorry.. We are yet to have any critic reviews for this movie.Did you watch this movie? How much do you feel it was worth?Your Rating 1 star. 2 stars. 3 stars. 4 stars. 5 stars. The Ticket was worth: Rs.0.00 Vote NowOur Score Board:Rs.0 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% = Rs.30 = Rs.75 = Rs.150 = Rs.300 = Rs.600 Add to Wishlist (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle[]).push();(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle[]).push();Note Pe Chot At 8/11 Photos and Videos Coming Soon....Free Tickets Contest Pathaan Hindi 25 January 2023 Kranti Kannada 26 January 2023 Shehzada Hindi 10 February 2023 Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania English 17 February 2023 Maidaan Hindi 17 February 2023 Abbabba Kannada 2023Know More View More Fashion: Check out all the pictures of Athiya Shetty-KL Rahul's Wedding

l IIv1 t > Y ovr 1 I1 THE SUN FRIDAY NOVEMBER118Cht CUESTKIU mill Il DEAD0 Pit8t rIUttho HOT Omllwr W A I onnril of Bt Johns ChurchWrwIilnSnn Mr Arthur WIM imrldl from IWfttlIflIIAI mnmlitir of tao churchj tlifo clmrcli fio wns a 10mlorthl rlurrh ocuimloniiliittoriilintJitiinnn Afiliurwiw nn i occllonllulonIIIflit boW will ro tnkon to Albany on tho IOK1ho nnlitlll > 1itprrrtl in tho Arthur plotIntnoAlbinj llurjl Cemotory ThlB curautoryIn l neAt llmlBnn lllvor btwoon Albany nnilTroy The fntlior and molher tim wlfo andan Infant win of tieD Arthur nro turloil tlinroIIHITho pall bnnrors aro lot yet eoleutnJ KxBnnrrtiiris Iilnrnln Urattfltor nnil Oltnndlnrninl nxroBtnmstMrdenernla Oroalmm andhutton IIIXMI Iiiiin Invltoil to notUnlOI Hchnllolil called lt Ire houo yrslorJnycal I nlTurotl iv iiiltltarycBcort A uart ot honor011 Ilorll wllurycscorlprolmblv of nrtlllory will be nccnpteil A dnanntcli wns tvcelvil In thu otonlnff from ColLnmnnt anylnu that tho Frn lilnht would ntI tPtiil tIm funeral nCComlall el tit tho HoaretnryJ of Stall Stcr tnry 01 tho Nnvr rnstmuatarOinutnl and Socritary of Iho InterIormbnlmodi Tim hOlly will nut ito In tato anti will not boA ruiiuc nxrrESSiosfl OP nncincrUpon tho nnnnuncemont of Gon Arthursf dnath lines woro dlplnyod I at half stnlt on IhoCity Ills many other publla flint prlrntu1m Ihll lie The civil courts that wero In sosI el 11Inn took appropriatu action Tho liounl nfAmTmon will meet todixy to HUOIH nuiinbioritnlutlona and thu municipal dipnrtmnnlswill boeloaiul 1 on the Ilny or the nniirnl ThoUnion Loniiiin Club of which Oon Arthur wnsn niPiubiir will hold a special inoollliff tomorrow vtaiiliur nnil mcotlntti to tako notion romcotllA lutolt nHPllne lila death are lu 0 held by some ofthH ExcllnloIiiixiljouiiilPi tlmlr roipoftlvo courts JuilcosVan Hriitit Unnohuo fiiiwroncn llinrh liarrott 1ottor InurahnmOUorman Cowing andothura paid tribulra to tho worth of tile do bcunwd exlreslJeiit Burrocnto Hulls whohas lonl tacit n olimn tereomil friend of thooxlnmliliiut Win not In cunit llo Rout wordto Chlut Clerk Ijitry I to adjourn court us hovriifl too nxliiuistfl In spirit and body to transbimlnopact any noAt ruiOBX In Iurt I of tho General Sna liniPflfoin Itncordir Si yth Uislrlut Attorney Martlno pull a trtliuto to OX Iris > nt ArthmsiniMiiory Ho 1 Id I that It would not bo voHn1lorl al of tlio rroat Imponnnco of thetrliil t I thoii t colntf on to I adjourn tIm court butho mnvoil that I a I ultiil to in try upnn t Ito inlnulna b mad tlin Tracy snooniiiid Ibo motion and HIM Huuoidur luatrutfted Curl Hall tomiLo tlio entryEIE1CJ or arx AnT uns LIFrThidtor Alan Arthur was born on Oct If JPJi In rulrfluld Franklin county VermontL flu uin llu bon of a ItaptHt minister tIm lEevlr Wllllntn Arthur who camo from Ireland tothn Unltid StatiH when IB jcar old Imm1855 to IC3 11 Arthur was pnslor ol tIm Calt ary Hniilnt Church In this city Ho died atI KotttciiullliJDliNun yON nco Chester A Arthur was Ilitid for cnlluje by his father lieenliTud t Union CollDLu when Hint collet was ntthom height of Its laino under lr llphalotNott holllt Jon Is Frederick W Howard whowas In tie clus noxt bolow young ArthurFays of his xghnnt days Chot aa nu all calledbiO lI na time must popular boy In hIs class Howao always ten Imil and cheerful a Rood scholarand apt In d > > bato Eon In those days hn took Ion active interest In polltlca He was IS WhlRTo aid in dufraylnt hI4 XI > It CheHtnr Itaught country schools during pirta of twowinters but kept taco with Ills uians whIle nbBent Ho wits graduated In the class of 1818clBSDetermined not to bo I further burden onhis father ho taught tho lllnuo Btlirol fortwo years At time and of that tIme with 1500In his pocket he camo to New York andtiocamo n law etudont In tho ofllco of KraatusD Culver Two years later ho was ndmlttodto tho bar Mr Culver showed his confldnnco In his iirornlulnc strident by takinghim into partnership lu 1853 Mr Culvor wasp elected Civil Judge In Brooklyn and the partri nership was dissolved Mr Arthur thonlormnd a partnership wIth Henry V Gardinerwith a view to practising In some crowingWestern city The young lawyers wont Waitand spent three months In prospecting for alocality to theIr tosto Not finding they roturned hired on omco In this city and bofore lone hud a good buslnofs Tho most notedcases In which Mr Arthur appeared In hisearly career as n lawyer wore the Jjcmmonelne case nnd the suit of Lizzie Ion nines ncolored woman and the superintendent of aBunday school for colored children who wasejected from n Fourth avenue horse oar afterher fare hid boon accepted by tho conductorbccnu a whlto passenger objected to herpresence Sims sund tho company and a vordh > t for iSOO damages was awarded to her Thoestablishment of this precedent caused thoBtroot railroad companies of tho city to lasuo anorder that colored persons should bn allowed totravel in tholrcnrs Mr Gardiner died In 18C5t In 1871 Mr Arthur entered Into a new partnership the firm name bolD Arthur PholpsKnevals Tho late District Attorney Benjamin K motes was a member of the llrmc4 i just before the formation of this firm Mri Arthur was appointed to bo counsel to theTax Commissioners at 10000 a yearliHtoro tho war Mr Arthur was JudsoAdvocate of the Second Brigade of the Statellllltla Early In 1861 Gov Morgan appointedhim EnclnoerlnOnlof on his military staffIt was whon ho held that office In DecemberIPO that the taking of the rebel emissaries Mason and Blldoll from a British vesnulthreatened to Involve this country In war withKnchmi Now York city was practically defenceless against n hostile fleet Mr Arthurnt onco summoned to his aid a Board of thomost experienced enclneers and in a fewveeks an elaborate ohm for tho defence of theI harbor by means of cribs of timber ladenwith stone and chained together had beenL1 devised Before tho work was completed1 the difficulty with Encland was adjustedOn the 271h of January 18112 ho was promoted to be QuartermasterGeneral flu boldthis omeo until Morenns term expiredGen Arthur was an active RepublIcan fromthe formation of that party Ills llrst oto forresident was cuon to Gon Wlnflold Scott In1852 lIe was active as a worker and speakerin the Fremont campaIgn of 185C Soon afterthe close of the civil war ho became prominent In the manaeenvent of his party Inthis city Ho was for a time Chairman of thoCounty Committee of Ibo Republicans whomot at Broadway Twentythird street andWas an active frlond of Oov Morn and avigorous opponent of Oov Fentnn In 1871 hoWas appointed Collector of tho Port of NewYork That office ho hold for over six yearstill on tine 21t > t of July 1878 ho was suspended by It It 1 Hayes with whosoAdministration ho had not been In accord At limo tlmo of tho suspensionno chaws wore made against tho Collectorfo got only Miiliat notice from John Shermanthat Mr Ilaies di > sln > d to appoint inn Morriltto tho often In the following winter whenIon Merrills name was sent to tho Senatefor confirmation n voluminous rportfrom Mr Sherman embodying chargesagainst Gen Arthurs management oftho office was pioented In reply totho charges Gun Arthur wrote a letterto Senator Conkllnu rulowing his administration Ho produced slitlstlcs to Miowthat durIng his term of over six years inorTlco iho percentage of rcninala wasonly 3V nuilnst nu annual nvorito of23 per cent under his threii urertocoscrt and all nppolntmunts to clerkshipscommandini 2000 u lour ovept two woremade on asjMnm of advancement from lowerto hluher uiadiS on Iso n reins rout dint Iii ofhinds of buriaiiH Gain 1IIIIIIs nominationwas cnnflnnnd and Gun Arthur roturnid totho practice of tIme mw In Itm ho Ins electedChairman of tIm publican Stile CoinmlttooGin Arthurs nomination for Vlce1reRlilontIn 1R8H was IIH muih n surprlsn as that ofIon GmlloM for the llrot plnco on thotlclcit Ho I had not boon niuntloned na ncandid ito lud Ills own dnpcatlon hadnot thouuht rf presentIng his name until the roll IOn tint Whn Now York was reached tine callthe ilnli uitlnii anted to bo nziiispil from votIngtor a time Tlin Lion Stwart U Vooilfordft ttho von for t Vt it tic lh lea 1 I II mg can U hllltil hadboon LII him 11 1 I intro but thn thin jnlcHlyturniid The Ohio mAil wore disposed to buconciliatory and swung oor to Arthur whoWIIR iiiiinlnaod on tIne 11 rst ballot The voteutooil Arthur408 Washburne 193 MarshallJivcll 41 I Horato Maynard MThe roRitfiiatlons or Senators Itnscoo Conklloc itnd Thomas C 1latt occurred while GunArthur was Vlcu1resldent Whan they irmdotheir contost In the LocUlntutH for roClectlinho wont to Albany und did what ho could tot fill them For Ihls ho was soiorelv criticisedby theo opposed toCoukllne and tlattlen Arthur boarlrlff durlni thin Illness ofrrirtl ifliit Garfield was commundod by all asconsiderate dltrnlllcd Prosldnrit GurllulddIed on the evening of Bent 1J 1B81 anti ViceIrililont Arthur took the nath of ofllcn aftImnldnnt lit bin homo In Lexington nmniieHfow hours after Mr Garllelds dealh Within nfew months of In Arthurs becoming 1renldot t Iholllrllhl t I mill net gave Imiaio to 11 l1ablntof Gun Arthurs tl1vuIhlo 1882 Inn ArI thur signed Ihn C Antlliilicnmy bill I and itoedI ho llorniid Hnrlor I hill I I nnd I Inc llrst AntlChlMn bill his Inlluonco assisted In s curinc nit nomlnntion 01 Judge Four for lovernorol this htatKatid thus propand tho WilY bywhich drover Clnaiand panH d to thin Giverliars olllc nnil thence thin Wnlt linn III1833 1rnsldent Arthur Icnod the Civil ServiceSet nnd Ito hill for thn ri net ion of f Ito t tie ri fTA miminrnole feature of this vicar of hU admintstrniinn was the lowering ordinary pcntuuoto two cnl In JIaylroHldent Artiur openedthn llrnokivn brlileeU the Ilnnuhllcan Nntlonixl Convention In1sti 1 President Arthur nasn prominent candilate for ronomlnnlion and smutS In tpcnml toflrIllalni Durlnu this lnrnlohm ha uiivuMri lImbs n rather lukuwarm supportAs President ion Arthurs ninnnnrof llvInu was in great contrast to that of his Nftccm Ho gave freniient dinners and iiipnptlooB knot hnndpomo eijiilinue and spentrrolty much all of his f5UlItJO umrr r ho travelled In various parts of timecountry omit was welcome i cuost at tho homes Iof fMhlnmihla lonloAfter the oxplrailoii of hln term as PrislJentpen Arthur returnud to this city anti rrmirned Ithe rfjeio of law his psrinirs belnBbhornnn W KinNaMnnd Ilastu H Hansomlen Arthur was n moan of strIking appearueo Ho won moro than six feat tall and of> u I 4 2Bond proportions Tile mnnnors were affablenail courtly and ho drosjcd tho prevailingfashion llo I had a cool head Great politicalknonieiltro and a faculty for Inadlnc menNut lone niter his establIshment III the legalprofisslon Oon Arthur mnrrlnd lllnsllorndondnimhtorot lliuit Horndon U S N who wasIon at sea with his vessel the Ontral AmerIcaThey had two children a son and n dauititorliotli of whom are lllnif 1 Mrs Arthur was aiioMitid wIfe and n woman ot many acoomtilfshmenls She dIet In 1880Jon Arthurs Immediate family besides hisons amid daughter conHlils of ono brotherMajor Wllllnin Arthur U H Awho Is slolh > D flit unit Antolllo lex nail live sIsters 1 MrMary MrEiroy wile or John B McElroy or AIhmariy Mrs MIIUIIIII I1II1I1rellIrlh of HenryJ J4nesworth or IlIlhllllohlll Mrs hiegtnnMcCaw a widow Mrs Amelia MARIon wIfe ofJames II Miftonof Cohoos and Miss AnuloL Arthur HchencctndyAXNOVXCKI IN USlllormTke Preililrnl Ihp fitbliict Dud a CommlUcoafHeuntori Ml Attend ibo FuncrntWASRINOTON Nov l8Gin Arthurs deathwas announced to tho President at about 9oclock this morning throuuh a telegram fromMr Arthurs secretary Mr Reid The lineson tho Whlto IIouBonnd tho Government buildin KB woro dlsnlayod at hull mast and on everyhand wero hoard cxpreoslons of regret SocrcLasT Bayard heard of tho oxPresidents deathabout 11 oclock and proceeded directly to theWhite HOUBO to confer with tho President as totho proper course to bo pursued All tho othermembers of the Cabinet arrived at about 12oclock Tho death of Gon Arthur was thoonly subject of discussion at the Cabinet uncutInir anti It was agreed to Issue nn executiveorder announcing tine death of the oxProaldent and directing tnat the Government buildings bo draped In mourning bra period of thirtyilajs and aso that public business bo suspoidod on tine dw Bet apart for tho funeralThe Iroaldout Isxund this proclamation1V the lcjle J nt tFis Hllril I xtalft11111I I > ii i ilnful itutt to atttii dice the dth nf nip terAlnn Ant u r Inlet thu lrv Minl uC lhi I > Unlttil MitotIIIPII uicuriiil Hdcr nn IHinnHof Icliitdiirntinn I nt nilefirly hniir tills iiinrnliiir at din rvonUnce In thi city nrNiwnrk > 1r I Arlliur WIIB cnlleil in I tiC I chnir ot OlderMuKlilmt t nl lie I Dntnn hv a tniLiil 1 y w tic Ii cnst tighniiow Oler the cilia Uoicrituuht llh Anuiiiiilimnt iho I iii I rum tulle 4 UIIH uturke I ii > iin ttrltut 1 nil 1 innrclrntl uaficliM nf tilt rtvi iHinilil Illrs Mill an eiirneKtlrlre tn I lIIe1 them In II nilrlolio met I bniuliMitfilth Ultli illtfinu 0111 l 01111 he puttitlneil Iliu I tinliurl nit ilutlPK n I till ktnlldii mill 1 tie rtpiitaUun irfhU frruid WDrtli 1 ruHnpic MIR Krnclniiiiiii I mlUilrlnUi I IIuri i I Innu I It chtrliluil I f b > till rol tIt 11I11 In tnkpii nr recprct to thir inriiuny nr lion itie tcrnldearinieiiti i ul illnui hailrHiinl iniMirnliiKfir ii rloj ur ilnrtvilHj I nul 1 1101 mi tie Ilay nt tonfuir II all ublte lu iin i lit I the ilermrtmvnu ho I mnprlnltfl Tho Urcrtturl H of lor sit 1 inn the 0 iiVi willcaun intern to Uu Irlinl for ii Imlrlalo military andimnl hour lo be rcintirifil on thiU I Citylions at tlio cOy mit iinlilnntiiii tfiii 18th dAY nfKoM > nitisr lu the > cnn 01 our lint out thournliil elulit Iliunilreil liiil eltfhti 1 x unit of the lintviif lulriicu uf tieUnllcil Mnt t nt America the one hilllilnil 1 nnil eleventhIty tile IrLMloM liHOTIE CLkllUNOlnon r IliTiuo Secretary of staleTbo Deparlmont of State will send out nformal notification uf tip ox1rosldutita docause to nil Untied States Ministers and diplomatic roproentailiThe following order was lesuod from theWar DepartmuntIn eoinpllRnce Wilt the Intruclon nf the Preildenton tile I tiny nf t lie tiniernl nt Cite S nit llary met I lie I I1i rnlhttnnpn und ciitlcls IC nt l 1 lie iinrnileil I mint time niihr real tuIhI in nfler wllli h all Inl urn fir I lie lii 1111 Ceaselie iialionini Hag nlll be llsUrU at half Halt Atdnwii or toy thlrlpen gui will is i Drtil 1 anil afterwardnt Interval of thirty liilnutei between the t icing t minteddie or th inn n ftimlr I RUn mil Kt mine cloic ut thednr n nnllmircl 1 inliite of Ihlrtvelnht iiuninrillg lInTtiv ofllcern of the nrno will wear crape on the leftarm ami on their iwonts and tile COlors of the Italtalfnnof PnKtneirii of the net era regiment And of the Unitedstate Cnrtu of Caltti will be put In niourniim lor theperiod of six inonlhaTile date and moor of the funeral will be eommnnlcatedto Department Cnminatidera by teleifrauli and by menuto their tubordlnatQ coinmunderasImIlar order will bo Issued by the Secretary of tlio Navy providing for a duo observance of the forma of mourning at navy yardsone stationsPresident Cleveland and several of the members ot the Cabinet will stsrt on Friday nightfor New York to attend the funeral Tho Senators below named will attend the funeral onbehalf of the Senate John Sherman GeorgeF IMmunds John A Logan William D Allison M C Huller James D Cameron D WVoorheos Warner Mlll I r Goorgo O Vest A PGorman Joseph U liuwloy and James KJonesIn conversation this afternoon SecretaryIiiimar PostmaHtorGeneral Vlliis SecretaryWhitney Attorm officials of the Government spoko kindly andregretfully concerning Gun Arthur Mr Whitney saidI knew And tittemen Prcildtnt Arthur very highlylong brfora he became President I deemed him A flinchAbler man than wat bli repute when lia Ivan placed uponthe ticket Io regict ula niointh I penonally I for ha was tbmost genial of rcntlemen i Sr are a large circle tffilmed who wUl bi ollid with tenorrroeUmmltm by Oar HillAIDANT Nov lBGov Hill has Issued thofollowing proclamationBy thgdiath of A dlitlnculihtd citizen the people ofthe State art agile called to mourn Cheiter AlanArthur entered Into rest at his ruldocoln l New Yorkcity early this morning He had alnaya male within our Slate and from hit early manhood had occupied within placet of official Olitliictlnn AII citizenbf New York State hb wui elrcteil Vicelre whole penile Upon the death nf President lirneld hobecame ircflilent by lucteislnn And with diirntlv lobrn > err and with honor to the country be tilled thathUheit oirtce la our Uovernment In all liU life be borewithout shines the lenin uf tfenllemanHem mbtrinir the cervices and Ailinlrlnr the oharncteroflre > Uent Arthur It II l nttliiK lliat we should bv inchaction as may be I deemed appropriate expremour sirrow In his heath unil chow reiiiect for the blub nfHulAlpoltlnn which be held by choice of his crmnirvmenDone At Ihe Cl tl Itol tn the city of Albany I nn thiseluhieenth day of November 1Iro 1 yearut our Lordone thousand eight hundred sod dllblyIDAVID B HILLDy the OorernnrWILLIAM U IIici Private SecretaryFines throughout the city are generally athalf staff and It Is probable that In accordance wllh the proclamation of Mayor Thatcherthem will Do a general suspension ol businesson Monday during tho time of the funeralGen Arthur was n life member of the AlbanyBurgesses Corp and also of the Grant Clubboth of which will hold meetings and take suitable action as well as attend tune funeralUndertaker Tihhutt will have charge of thoreception of the nmaltin and their IntermentThe Arthur burial plot where tbo remainswill be Internd on Monday Is In suction28 on trio poulh ridge It is In n rollingrise of ground and during thosprlng and summol months It Is onll or the prettiest spots In thebeautiful city of the dnnd A sarcophagusplncnd our tho grave nf Mr Arthur It Isabout CK fuct In length and 21 rut In heightand width On the tup which Is slightlyrained Is a cross chiseled out nf tIne solid whltomarble and reaching tho full liimtb of tho earcoplincux About tho eduo of tho block iscaned larno letters this Inscriptiontiers lies the body of Mien Iivli Herndon wife ofrhrMprA Arthur Born At Culnemier IL II Vs AuirSi IBJ7 Illed at New lorkJau U A D mOOThe exProoldent will bA bllrlol on tho rightof its ITIlVIJ or his wHo Facing tine sarcophaKIIS are two plain murblo tomliHtonnt mnrkingtile last rusting I place nf thn I Itov i William I Arthur U 1 > and his wIfe MaMnn exPresldpntAll hurs fathnr and moihcr To hut loftof those graves Is I n pmlnlly mobs coveredslab lying Hut on the grouud and nearly burledIn the soil HiIs Is I till crave of Jnno thedaughter nf William mint Mnlvlna Arthur whodied April 15 1812 aged 1H yours TotIlt left of tho crate of Mrs ChesterA Arthur Is a small crmssharnd tomhstonnmarking the lift resting place of William LewisHnrndoii Atthur who IIt July 81863 aged 22years and 7 months Still further in tile left ofthis grave IB that of William Lewis Ilirnilonwho was born at Culruppur Va Oct 10 1817and died at Hjener France April 181870Kciillckcd on u Hotels Window PanesThe front windows of the hnllof tho Metropolitan Hotel are A sort of Irantpurent Atitoxraph aliiumbrarlnir wltnesj to the good character of the gusue orline oil hotel Few oilier windows the city bare reumln d unbroken for nearly thirty years yet the namessal amiss on the glass III these windows and the tradlno1 tile hotel null seem tu chow hAt these haveHiuthered fttorms from within and without fur mean n AHHioraUon Ihomas Ktily eorutcbed hU nnme on theglass ln the norm wludon in April lion I I 11 lie was nnewcniner Ilien for I H thou Mhom name Is Illexll I rl leIICIII clearly enough tile dali floe U laiT ml theta after tile crtwi thut pistil for tie siKnntnrewhen he writes with a luau Olld Tile names are notth > He nt Tory great te ipl0 nut Ihuy hay become fmnousIn the hlitnry glues in tklnir A1 mal I1K to show howlomir I 101 glass can Imi wbliedutuir Us work In a publie 1101 lHenry Oeurne at n Hull In NewarkHnnry George was warmly greeted last ovenIIIK at the ball of the Henry I oria Anoclttlon in Newnis lie appeartd on the platform In company withDlilrlcl Master Workman Henry A Beekmaycr AndMaster ortmon Jllhll Hootr lie sil It was tie limoIn italIc a ipesuin Witeni U lot 01 YOUUlr iooebo a crc uvaitlii 1 = 0 mitmi lie sail I in Iotell Vrty bd ever htueb 0 future an tiiii hJ III Corer UoIOIl after Itoi cci liii ut Jeiv t mrS 1111 I mur lent 010111 11111 aIIIIIIK of a cmiuiiiitii 11mm iiiiUilit the maui kell ifthis 10 tititinul turtleS ii nil II rllll nbC TI new pane14 uII corey I lirouch time nlllllll1t and moist fioscufululUIIUII tile acrid ever laWIn IiifuDI Altncked by a ParrotLouiB7rfr Nov 18 James Lawson of Madlion Indhas A pirrol uiuslly a well behaved and InlilHeent tied Yesterday In the nbrencnof the otherIIIf r1ljll II NIIInumber or the household it Hew to the crib I tn whichu oil week nil Infant Wbisslesiuin1 nn I vlru > u ty pick r Iit iiijirniecitit htal t until tine clilU Urilu prulrudcdmine iifant ieiel robably dieFniker ITriirngle Declines lke > Abba tiki pA telegram wee received at St Marys AbbeyIan nlxhi Iron Kather IHUry tfraenlt I who waselected Abbot of ft Marks Abbey rn Tueidir askingp rml ston to decline the honor Father Illliry Is al HIVlncul fulleile In fennsjITanlA Ills nIlatns for itcllnln are 001 given Tb eouToktd aiiln to A tow tiarac c f IMC1FFlmr AND GOtBEH HKADTIVnlllnoi In Ski Centra of rnclltsm for theAVnril lo Let Fly nt Each OikerFiuiiADEiirniA Nov 17Tl1ls city Is Justnow tim oentro of rsualllsm Arthur Cliainherss Champions Host tho Theatre ComlauoJohnny Clarks Olympic Club and Mikedearys resort In Walnut street RIO givingnluhlly ontortaltimonU to crowded housesTho fights aro something moro than glove contests for points and tho crowds will not boeatlsllod with anything leas than genuineknock outs Tho fights aro always limited tofour rounds nnd tho Marquis of Quoonnborryrules are strictly adhered to All tho wellknown puglllnU in tho country from Sullivandown hnvo appeared or nro appearing Thosevisitors contract to moot a newcomer eachnluht anti as n genoral timing Ihero Is enoughhomo talent to keep them occupiedThere Is I a largo element in Philadelphiafrom fthlch n small army of pugilists Is rapidlydoNolonliitf Tho Iron mills of tlio Kunnlnuloiidistrict till coal yards of Port Itlchtnond andthe great Hblprarda on tho Uolaunro Utvor areturnlnn out any number of embryo boxersThose men are strong ai oxen with brawnyarms nnd hard fists and when they strlkotheir blows are felt It Is n common thing forpuulllsta to ho knocked over tho ropes nndoven off tint stiigu > Dnrlllil the week sovural ofthem have beun picket up BAll this goes on right under tlio eyes of thopollen For II limo after McCIIlYroy and Bullvan woro prohibited 1 from lighting n year or soago there was n complete calm IlIlho sportingresorts But now Ihy lira at It bnrdir thanover Tho announcements of glove lights nropublished openly In the advertising columns ofthu newApatinrs The grcU Jako 1llralim aridTom Kelly the undufoited champion of tileFourth ward will mot strictly on thnlrmerits reads one of thorn Itllly Gubli undiirtakvs to knock out Dlim Sullivan In fourrounilH reads another Thoro Is noBucrnpyPolicemen stop In to BOO tile contests pomnllmos I and hums I tt emsa men and brnk > rs olhow Itim tnutghi mini applaud with them and dlsp ito with t them ni > rlho I dcolilon of inc refereeSato hear about llulitH oxorywhoro you gnThn croat ox mim unit at now Is I th I coming Imatch liitxvion Doinlnluk McCaffrey and Starrow Golden McCaffrey has boon trainingAtlantlo City and Golden at Itockaway llnueliTlio lator Is I portnd to bo In splendid condition Tho lnrini docs not look as well Thosewho have simn him think ho has iralnod toolino A large amount of money Is upon thn Imatch At Drst the odds wero lit favor 01 MeCitTroy but tIm butting baa changed und Isnow about cxiinTho fight Is to bo to a InlMi for f2 COO a sideThe money Is I all liP and nothing rnmalns butnn niMoenunt on tile tlmo Goldnn Is verymuch in earnest and Is xeiy c nlldcnt Illsfriends soiin to think thut McCaffrey is not noanxious Tiny are oven declaring that DomlIi htk ont Into I training I muraly tin a blulT andwith tim pxpcrtatlnn that tine Sparrow couldnot rnlso tlm rmiulltii money It Is pretty fertuba that tho lI1n will come tonetlier howeverand that tb flisht xvlll bo a vicious one It willCJinu lilt within fuw daxs In tim prcxnnco of alow ohnson spmtators who lira able and willingto put IIP 250 noh for the prllli > Theywill be drann principally from Now York nailPhlladolphhi i club mnn and how to got them Inil loltthur roil elude tile police Is tIne problemThe moment that Is solved the flght will occurCUAVKCKlf nII XllfJU rEDHow he Composed tho Oration In Honor orthe HiirlkolUI OlulurFrom the Omaha HerattlTho pedestal completed the commlttooprepared for a grand blow out nt tho Inauguration Tho President and Cabinet word invitedand the newspapers woro urged to stir tip thepeople and give the thing dclat Just n fortnight before the day sot for the ceremonies tinecommittee discovered that tuo selection of anorator had been overlooked No time was loston this discovery Appeals wore matte tospeakers of national reputation All declinedon account of laCK of time for preparation Tilemost brilliant ot them all said that he wouldrequire at least three months to proparo suchan orationDriven to tho wall tho committee at lastsought rnfugo In tie offices of tlm New YorkCentral Railroad Company It found there aanna with n pfti wore froated aide whiskers and his ayes weroas clear as the oos of a bald ongln Ho wasChauncey M Uepow tho President of tho company 110 will UP to his eyes in buslnuss buthe listened patiently to the comtnltleo Itsmembera told him ibatihey had failed to securean orator and urged him to fill tho gap Withn mind half clouded with railroad detailsChauncoy consented and bowed thoeommillooout That night whllo he lay In a berth of asleeping car en route to Buffalo on business hoturned his Intellect on the subject of the proposedoration As he thought of wobmera speech atthe Inauguration ol Bunker HIM monumentthe magnitude the tank which he bad undertaken appalled him He knew that It wns noafterdinner concerh lie could not spring tohis feet anti trust to Inspiration Every Ideaevery expression every word must be weighedA man might us well try lo chisel a marblestatue In nn hour as to deliver an oration onsuch a theme without careful preparalonChauncey grow nervous TrIo theme itselfseemed confined It was like a trunk linewithout branches There was the bare statuefind that wam all So wrought updid the thinkerbecome that ho could not rest The sunllghtofbuffalo loll upon him attoranlght of sleeplessness Ho could endure It no longer lie telegraphed to tho committee nsklnir 10 ho ixcoped The reply was that It was ImpossibleThere was no lime to secure another oratorFinding himself Inextricably In the lollsChauncey went to work with the energy ofan electric engine He returned to New Yorkater transacting his business In Buffalo Onthe way down nn made a draft on the volumes of the State Library Every bookbearing on tho French alllanco at the time ofthe Revolution was sent lo him A barrel ofthem was dumped Into his library at nightAt 10 P M he tackled them after the mannerof a Macaulay He mentally jumped thepages of each us ho nervously turned themwith his thumb nnd fingers and jotted downon a pIece of paper the Ideas that flooded hismind It wna daylight before ho cloned the lastol limo volumes Utterly exhausted llo soughtrest Sleep come hut It was a weariedtroubled sloan and ho awoke unrofroahodTo add to hll agony ho found thut his noteswere mostly incomprehensible Tho deft websof thought that had tied thorn to ouch otherwere broken Ho was moro nt sell than overAnnoyed boyond measure he plunged Into hisrailroad busIness drowning every reflectionabout tho statue lint at night the tomatogiant again confronted him In vain ho pondered upon some basis for tho construction ofan Intellectual edifice pleasing In architectureand harmonious In detail His mind wits asperverse as a hysterical woman Thoughtscame to him bv thu hundred but all disjointedand unconnuctod Itxvaa lIke aman unloadingbricks They were of no use without the bricklayer and Ihn bricklayer was missingFor three iln > s this state of mind continuedRailroad duties drowned tho statuo for II fewhours but tho corpse tloated to the surface atnight und drovo away all sleep On thn third InIght tired nature aasortid Itself It slul ollOiIboth mind and body and Chauncny slept thoBleep of tho righteous for ton houra He affnkothoroughly refrestipd The statue glided Intohis mind gently and by degrees Su lilonly hisIntellect flushed heramo of thu oration np110111011 its byimaglc It wiisilnKiilrnllon Hophintnd himself at his disk and wrote pagealter pace fluently ROIl without InterruptionThe theme worried him no mol Rverylhlngwas mapped out In his mind At night ho llnlebod his tank Subseuuont odd moments wrospent In adjusting doors and windows oilinghlnuHH and kaUouilulng papering and etherpreparations Tile nmult la well known The oration willbear n critical examination and It Is well wortha careful perusal Allhnugh It was dollvorod onthe mot miserable of days and und r tho mostuntoward circumstances Its eloqnnnce andbeauty wore roeognbod by all Chaunceysmind remains far brighter than Libertys torchtad the cheery 1111 pit of his afterdinnerspeeches Is again heard in tho landIo Cauliiut io Tortured Into GivIng LiMn BlooeyLOUISVILLE Nov 18 Samuel Hopkins anold man llvlni near HojiUtmrr has long had the reputation of being very wealthy and it I was generally believed thai he had A large amount of money concealsIn I his hide At about 1 midnight nn Weitneaiiav threemen visile the house and tried in i frUtiten him into t re >vealmx his place where the money was hidden railingby threats they lied this old mau up ny lila thumbs buthe 11111 refuse I 10 deliver up tlm money Tlin menthreatened to Day him alive and by way of earningWI their threat 1 they bound him and mafe an ol incUlonIn his arm and lore the nenh thenf om for severalInches They then heal him unmemfully and pracused all manner or cruelties upon him I hut I 1 he riiutedto icivo up his secret They rsnackeii the hou failed til discover lie money They then lieu ol htm I lu achair gave him a few partluK kIck and dtiaupenrsdFlftr Ullc or torch FiresPcTEBSDuno Vft Nov Pnosoncors nrrltlnir here this Afternoon orer the Atlantic com linereport that forest lines are burning fur a distance offitly miles aluli the line of the I Ihiilniitou and WrtilunKalinin I all I that Hie Jams o t > Itinbsr UuUs And curdwait will bo enormntisA fierce winS anriii prevailed here all lust lulehi anthnuaes were ruckJ u thin sucti force lust It was limosilile for many peopU to sivcii 1 It AS tile nursl itortuthat has ilillcd this illitrlct for yearslodlunne Ufflclnl VolrImusrollF Nov 1STbo odlclnl ruturnaof the recent election tiow tile followInu result on IboFlat ticket llol > ertonll lIp SJI ICil Nlioi lleip iHlU Jjo Pro I 0 1B1 lojei t IUri n 11oI13JIStllonall I I 4U4H I Itobeilions t Iii Ii rail 11 t V M3II I Mr l laKnlieile Itepubllcan randidste for Hiierinirndrnt ofIuliilo 1IIIIru lIon leads hIs ticket with rldtiU rolesTiny Millers Fiftieth IllrlkdisrThe parlors of Tony Millers hotel In LongIsand City wtre fllltd last sTenlnf He was foot DOyears old and he ave his frlemls I A welcome AmonKara r = aT t PbItlInus rresent ere > Coiiiressman T J Campbell einnalor James W covert Jams M UaUey And CoanlyClerk Jobs DpihIA1dRECEPTION TO DU STORRSina cirvncn or TUB viLnnws FILLKDnun nin lllINmJSome of tIe Xlntali > nnd Other Clllrfns ntJlrnohtrn nnd New Torte who ClmkereilIn 10 Honor ID Ike lllstlnaulskcil IMvlnrTho celebration marking tho completion oftho fortyyears postorato of Iho Ilov Dr H BStarrs Ibo CluUch of the Pilgrims Brooklynwas bronchi to a cloao last night by n receptiontn tho Imposing granite and oak church edificeHoary and Ilomson streets Slnco the beginning of tho weak conBratulatlons havo boonpouring lu upon tho distinguished Brooklyndivine and many members of other congregations united bet night with his own In doinghonor to the first nndlonly pastor ofhthochurcbThe trlbuto from congregation to pastor washeartfelt and spontaneous and was free fromoven ono irarrlng incident The reception tofmi mv cn MoRanDr Storrs and his family was as free from formAlity nfl poBlhlc Tho spacious lecture roomIn which It took place was decorated withlowers and plants anti many floe pilntincBtent for tho occasion hnne on tho walsDr Storrs with his wife thnlr two ditnchtorstile wife of the Ilov K I n Coo of Now York antitho wlfo of tile Roy P Vaihbourno of WoostorMass and Mist Mary Packard their crandchild Blood In group nt the cast duo ofthoconfcrenco room In front of n floral pyramidon tho opposllo Bides of which were the numbers wrought In while and red lowers 1810nnd 1880 For more than an hour streamol visitors flowed pnst the pastor anti his family and plnnsfiiit greetings worn excliunuidJlifl J 8 T htinnnhnn Mrs HB ChltUndmiJr Mr Hhonnan and Mrs Veotuan assistedat the rllcllptlonlime visitors Included almost every llvlncmember of tim church and hundreds of Iholoading cltlzon of Brooklyn bolonclni to otherchurches Scores or chiruyniitn of denominations joined In conKrntiilatlnB Ur Unrrsand wishIng him many further YOllrs of activeminlstiirialllfo Arnonw thA visitors were Mr JHT Strnnnhnn Mr 1311 Chlllendi Mr A ALow Mr Hutli Low Mr Henry hheldcn MrHenry Jollorr l > ont Juduri llonedlpt Mr hour0 llowen Judco Itoynolds the Itnv John HallMr A S Darnos Mr IlflnryPolhmnus time ItvDr Dooms tho Ilnv Dr Tarley tho lice JrCuyler the ltov Dr Lymnn Chaplalu HSBStime Itev Dr Parker the Itov Dr McLood MrGordon L lord Mr John W HumorMr David M Btono Mr St ClAir McKelwayCorporation Counsellor Alrnnt K Jenks IhoItev Dr IontocoBt tho Itev Dr linlironds theItev W F llnlnhrlilen the Itev Dr Clnpp Postmaster Joseph C Hundrlx the hay Dr Alsoptho Itov Jamia M Anderson Mr FranklinWoodruffJlr A WTenneyMr Jas P WnllaoiMr Walter P I Hatch Mr Jnnn K StlllmnnMr leo E Ilazolhurst Mr Clarence WUOWOD Mr Henry H Woodruff Mr Arthur MHatch Mr A J Perry Mr F A Wnrd MrCharles HayllftaMr IIryan 11 Smith Mr TunisO Bergen Dr Gllllllan Sir III ploy HOOHBProf Thwlnc Prof Eaton and Mr DwIghtJohnsonThe visitors passed from the reception roomto the church nnd at JX oclock Dr Jtorrs andMrs Btorrs and the members of their familyentered and took seats In the front pews on thoright of thn main aide The exercises werebrief and simple Including excellent Rinsingby the quartet choir a prayer by the novo DrPantncost a few words of thanks by Dr Stormon lila own behalf cOil Ihpt of his family thoBlnelneof them Doxology nnd the pronouncingof tbs benediction by tho Rev Dr liehrendsAt tine close of the exorcises Dr Storm andfamily returned to the lecture room and thehand shaking nnd cnncratulatlocs were resumed A collation was served bv Unrest Oftho twelve surviving members of the churchwho were at the Installation of Dr Btorrs andwho have continued wllh him for forty yearsthosonleven were present Mr HI ChltlnndinJr Dr C L Mitchell Mr and Mrs Walter THatch Mr and Mrs Ii D Sharp U E PhelpsMrs Sidney Bandnraon Miss Abigail ijandiTBon Miss Anna Chltlonden and Mr C nAborn Mr Albert Woodruff the twelfth surviving mombor was absent beIng IIIIn tho afternoon the Sunday schoolsot tho church and the chapel metand Superintendents Stockwoll and Brownconcrnlulnted Dr Btorrs on behalf ofthe children and presented him with n rangnllc bronze flcuro representing a Frenchnnnnnnt Dr Storra made a feeling responseThe Young Peoples AssocIation presentedDr and Mrs Storrs with n large silver tureennnd all day lone floral tributes woro sent totheIr homo at 80 Plerrepont streetThe Men who Killed HaddockSioux CITT Nov lBTho Grand Jury returned their report on the Haddock murder cats hitsaflernoon They returned lifdlctments Airnlnst JohnArensdorf murder and conspiracy Albert M Bismarckconspiracy i henry Sherman conspiracy Paul LeAlorF Munchrath Jr BylTesterflrandaOeoTrelber HenryPeters L Hath If L Lcarltt all for conspiracy Thoseare the ten persona present when the crime was commilted two rf uhom leAvttt and MIsmarLk sarlhatJohn Arrnxdorf fired the fatal shot llesldefi the charireof ronsiilrnct I each of the purllea Is alinrharcal t wIllmurder It h Is the Hiirroiltlon at present that Arensdirf iwill lie held nlthout hail and the others In I heavy bondOt those Indicted Irellier IVIirs I Ilstn and Qramlilhavo not been arrtttoJ and their uhereabouta um uiiknownPrinceton Kicker Dlclnilnir Terms tn YaleNEW IIAVEK Nov lBCnp Savage of thePrlnrcton Football team has written CaptCorwIn Iof YAle that Ihe Vale Princeton ganie mu l be pla > ed InPrinceton nnd list Mortal Pint or Harris must be thereferee Titer are all old Princeton player Princeton not only wants the earth stud Cm t Corwln daybut > ew Jerse > and lha moon must thrown In ruefeeling here ls I that unless 1rlncetoii consents playon lleutiat irround Yale will relune to play alit mavclulm the championship because of Irlnci tons refmmlto pay nn the Iolo itroun if us the con niuion of theInter Colletlate routball Association requiresllnse Hull on MundnrCnifioo Nov 18The representatives thinLencue and Aisnrlntlnn hae Imil orkanlz itlnns to Urconvidercd tho m propofeltlntl I lo reronnlze Miinlny causeIt U tr expected the League will agree to bnnduy BalneaHportloo XnivaChrtes Lee a CalIfornia walker 01 nol hII como 10try Essisrim ciiieluslni Ps iesrtaui witum 1 wino oniciilm iv Ill iilCt Meuher iilmmn omi tlnnt cinder I atiy uiiier istliTile Lohlh UnIverhiyfoottiall eleven oUlpnyollhVnIII 01 rnnllnl team III a nalch 1I0tliettnleiuelmu Ia mldOY the lCO0 being a lu 1101bhlI1 Ilril iiilinTurvii JJCIIIKHArticles were signed on Nov 15 btlwten Jake ICIIralnand Cat Kllleen for nil elilit round contact at at Iulto take lilacs within thirty Info the nluucr lo lab 73per cent of this gate nioiinyThis veIn ii tried stallions In England Is enormousllermlt stands at 2HI illness im2iJ rttrvcli a1lalopln at IMi illness 01 n and tIohiert tine Dull at lOoJguineas Fifty Kulnsas Is Acoiiiinou feeThe linden Spartna Life nays that IV o 1 fleming theone fbi tvn mile otiainpioii of tlip I world Is about to t sailfor New York He proposes to visit California Anil hueIraliit Jl i > ore will be apt to dIspute Georges claim aaluus tn the outmile championshipCourt fulendisr 1kli I > rurDEmt Counr CnAMnKfts NOB 4 50 85711 Ml Ki Lii I IJla llrt I II I nil 170 177 Its > 184 lIWl lUi 1 IW 1117 iou 2isi JtH JJ 770H Wl lu 117rtl lot UIIIJe7 ice ITS IH4 lIiR msT I i iur 103JU ai7 2i114 Cat IIUL TmilKecesl lolltltiued frscul Tutra I Caw on llurisr anthunter An Iurt lIiiear Vos BI Bw HI3Ofti fIl Sill I Vet I CIKCOIT Isrl IMiilioii tn i dlimlss I miderided aol JvlKI UJO J73I ecu JIB J4S4 4445UM17 tSit 40t8 I44 04 2420 i44 i4i4 isi nomii1 J ilJIIiIWI MfO f 1J g12 gljiun jai 117 fist fMi xift w > JOBI usiIart I II It Co mart 111Short cauoNo aifil 1BJJ JJIH4083 4ihi 4leH lIPS IIKIJ 111U ill 14 1uii IVlaato be summed I lin Nos J3JH siam SI1J SIiS IIVI lift3IHI 3IIV attufalFH Silo atTiC 3171 JUU 3U7 bUS307 339245 tmpkimea 30ABU 1431 ails8uK > ociTKs tocHT Will 1 nf usan UWarren 10 30 AM IhoiiiasM i Arnall II A MSrto COOBI SpiruiTm Part lllear Ncs till llil I 1153 3tU Ht 3 11HUU IJBU 1 103 lilac tJH l 12H7 UUUIJ 1114 furlIlUleir Nos 1170 UJ3 1317 1111 1 I4ti I 7mH J 111JBJ B5I I34S 1S04 017 Itll I tillS HUT lsrt litlIsle nn Meriden Nallnnal Hank act ilallau let FarIVClear Nos IIU7 IIIB IJ7H IJ8J 1U40 640 13J7IwO filu lllll 7M II7H IO tH SKICOKKOK Ptiii SriciiL Ta5tLtm 4 patt 1Caseon tiirt iSCelus 115 il7 joou BJ4City CnUHT lsrl I Churl eUseNoi 771 774 lOiaivvi IV4 IB7J laas I7U I70J frj IBIT i2W 171Cl 1770 IttJl 18A iutt 10CC Iiiii Psrt II Shortcausrsor l 3Ul IW7 ISC l I7IB IHI4 111 1873 15071344 mm ifJii aw ami io I n3 laiMmjH linnIM0 I8M 1737 Iarl III tnorl causes Nos U7iiI7W isiS 1741 1W1 1107 I4UJ 1753 bdi I5KJ lUUOISIl I6U 7M I8ot IMA 1073 IBMTbeJlish Bale IlcrAsesIn proportion AI lh clues l > ont Imperil life by sipsrlmeQUuf wIth questplmsrs B nsons aons are eiidoritd br physfclausand pharmaouu u rsllaCIs u4 suratlre JH tu otherAd13CilI O1Cii UTU M ril KitsMn WIVSfOWS FOOTIHNO hYflUP for CIIIfDaRts TEETIIINQ softens the Gums reducra IllMnminvlion allays all fain ami Cure Wind Colic 2 V a tuttleMJHI lt OVlAltKIIDr Stlnnons Arreeahle Catarrh Cure Circe where allother treatments fall lllon t pnrkaifi fi l rtnriflHt lKlll > onr unrtsnnd corns I lth MIK orin Noinln 11Wii aqul it I a4J a l5 itJ ztisN fiTnest place to buy tine DKninnits Viuicuies Jaw etry nutKliKllsh silver Miter Illte 4Hrlf hubs reiulriintUNt at ice > YVN > etiiiiiir rii7Ai >Ntrl DUH IFMIMIIPK for tile IKKtll Slrjl liottle1C ro Id NHI II I K rt JtTY loTake conlruclHsew nnd slnfl JIIIIKIIJ rstf dolls Il CK M 0 ntursuflt tibitttiohpjA MODEL HISTORYFar tint holidays or at any time tilty books of meritnrad what i stud aliiuut Mri Iambs IlluHtrn il ill4tiDILY OF THI It tili a notnliUcontribution Noembtr hurters EiYChair ily far the bent tiivtoryof ttio city litor oHnneroft Il Im sure ho ic itumlard H l XHtMmini Ins popular nicOiBSRiire1 ficoriie V pcaraTiceln Iinlf hue llbrtrle In NLM Vrt only cometonof tlmeThte Critic Tlis hfitor of New Vi r ro cf Kilt tdM 1TJO ii A S BARNES CO Publishers111 I III AM HTICIilr M uSV VOUK 3I vatiHSttm US EiLlIUiSJ4 uNtieur ISD cnnisnith UOUIILK Nu3litmtsof theLondon GraphicIllustrated London NewsHolly LeavesYule Tidecacti with Mantlfnl colored rngraliii sit early tu December tn tin countrylimit abroad fclmultutieoutljruiCK so UIMM EAChXiR Fii > AKiiiriusTicrWith French Text Onlr SI l IIIC COPYytnwork of crltbntnl lnrl ian artists and ofsuperior excellence will also appiar early In DecemberOF AII MUMIl Al Its OID1 H sow vTIICINTEIAATIOXAM hO COMIANY MW YORKHfTTiTTn lliHIKn UhulirsllltrAliirc at IrVineiI JUJU17 Inin tiir inii rets of likkins Ito si iiiCsrlyle I Cooper Irtliu u oriie lllot Ttiuckvray ttnveili llu leer llm lie ecliiiler ii l csnln > mint nil I hoinpular I noTst lit pels Inirle books of utrrj ilfi riiilun n nil t lie lorIs amil mioiclopK lla tliiilisiihls I of books 5o upwHrdi luum sttite erieiu Inc each wi rth 1 ViU wit littler see l > oi tenet so cheap as din m ulllpaythc liikhtvl fur teic or old b ouk In muall mm r lariiu riimnlUli tililtemery muutitit lO ElllMlS lew tot iloil K ilclinnio 741 Uroaduay opi unite KiewnrisTHE ONLY SURVIVORr > or line iiisyss Arrtle EtmedumtmMr H J McC ruSh k th pe onalliiled to above miniwho K lilY trltnl htatei Iueniiiy > Mlnerul hiirmrtriuj i rtir > cnri I ntltrnl fr in on run Omino nun iho tlipJ IntaxJlicUU int Miato i ei rlu incuf till imrThe iMln wniti rr ne f iii roe ubi dnnrti luau nay liiiflne 1 Cain ih iik ot tile llirulul n KtilK m Ito let H s fci IIhfit turtleS it iiminJ I li > sichis Cii I I hal Mntio luth HuIlT and Hrnvctlnth Illlney M but cactI 1 Klvtile nu rtlitf J a w n liurulruhii in tlio N V bun ccCMII t if the t ilao ot Or K inifil > tavurlu ItmieOy intile cit s of c mi aim mil I Iried IL After uiittr itfi r rtsTort tint I n u ia4 tu 117 I am i > crfrtm cunlau4 ft el I Mur thuii I h it for > UmiS VitiU full in ftpros vhtt I cii it ret but I nina real like innithi rprmnhI nib PavonIe l Kemcdy itt hand I Inveno fear rezanlluttie kIdmi dlrjsr If lanes alItitiut cc I have ternwill only try l > r Knnwl l > e Parent l lum ly ttiCy ii illthen 5p5rsctal It a icon is hut given to mankind With great ilrattrit CVlvs Ur lt > in4y fcriiii > ii > u to reftr tu nu mess auiilhall do all In may POWIT to r cnmmi d hh ni dirln >H J WtUUUMUK HltMHtalion MauoPrpred tiy Pr U KumntJy Ituuduut N Y 41 i 0 tsr 9ZmflUlJtl OF IUK Ant or flZCILINUr TVIIIInm If Ilrnper AiMrtM Iieiare theAenttettiy tif AltarflctncTime Now York Academy of Medicine in WontTlilrtj dInt Isit mIgIu upon the occasion of the delivery ct theunnui dlnof uria by Ur William tt Draper ficorexofdiBtlnntititiol think AII were ffroupeil In tine frontchair ant ninny lallc were present Dr Draper TTMIntroduced by Treildent A Jacobl Ito spok uponTins rrovrtci of the Art of nfallntr He declared that the most striking thing In thedevelopment of that art was the great slrldntaken by Burcry In the lest quarter of a century Ithad npplantort the use of drugs In many gass mimI reducrd htiniaii lulTfflnir and panel IIIMJ hem 5 Uli ratt hail once test t > frowneJ upo i It wan now rmnrtlft uson lit thvmoit potent aiid beneficent agent In rrllethOC human HU The advance In tIe iLOcemful trrntmentitnil control of nervous ftliment that In formeryears bellIed the phyiilelaii win nnotfer conpi > lcuonsfemur ot the progrtiiof medical ant surgical art andPC is ticThe mnoit iirtkinv faitir of lit Orspers dlciwnrsewae Iii contemnnamiun mt ii use of uiicotiol as a dietaryareti lie deciareit hunt 51 hI tiutie line muuciatity oftiiriughtsi phyahclatu were tusreintiiled Ibmat the usefullie of slCoiuolIC sthflbUlotmul Dl too4 is everestlntunteitThey are coming to believe IhiCt alcholto iltitlillentsare not ohmiC uniuereeary ti C healthy man lit that tueeitsc cit ticim tlttiUlants upnn time muUtrhintc a iteterioratnmmg mmmiii tIne mf mlii itioal powerful egnOlau Sin praiseIi piiysleai dgonerauloihr VuOlvre hmarter nmyeul a Tote of thanks to DrOrmiper for his alio discourse autil ii was esrileduninlmnutlrDr U H Agnew was one of hone who lUten d to DrDmper emit Dr Draper wan one nf the mane who eongratnlfttetl Dr Agnew on tIme appointment of lli wife tou bclioolCouiuiliilouerSmells Contcellnir Cot Jllllott JTlf ellonCOLUMBIA Nov 18The State Board of CanTanfen lme teen In itiilon here for several days Allthe return were cMireil today liowlnir a total voteIn the State of 320 GO only the lowest on record Thecanraiera were engaged today In hertrlnr the prulcitcape of 0th Smalli nttalrut Col Elllnlt receiving timecertltlcate of election an Conitreiinan from the RM enthdistrict Hmal and Klllott are Loth here silt are reprcmnte I liy title cnunnel It wn nrnuftl In iou hi1f otsmut N lint tine ante nt two preclude lu Ilcrkttryfur lit hess tin and our In Orun clUr which fnvnredlihit nnd ulikh n tie lint > roiciy rcJLttcil hiy t the Countyliuanlft of Uaiini > erM utiouul be rrtinred utid counletlti > tht MAIC Heard tui l hllitut tt9 Colt timl ruilntalnrtlthat the i Ifiiardi ilutlfR were intnNtertil and not Jullclril tml iiniit they ton d onl > tatmlntr return timde byIho I County unarm Ihe I rd rile ito imoint shiny for Kllloit 0417 nnl fir iii utIle 57iI irivInir Ullflt HIM I BdMiitKauiif 087 mtem The iiniial voleof this thitrlc Unliottl JSioi Elliott will pmtent seTrrnl prrclitctfi In Hrnuruit cuninh3 A lame number ofnRlnUi hmti lee itlet I by I otn fllei It mlii le onoor THodat o before the liittirti hvnr all the n rim infilluntil mntto theIr il rUI Ho will rcntw the tltthtln WavhliifttonjOOO llctrrcU of oil ft1IlcU Into ttto HayTim freIght ptoamur City of Fall Blvcr of theKail Ilher line left Its pier at the tout of Murray Streetat 0 oclock host eonlnir heavily loaded with freightand about ft dozen paiieiiirerfi Ai Ills wai rounillnjr thoUdtterj Opt CollliiM aw the light of the tug Btandardhuh hoard lie warning whistle llo answered the whiletin nut ittrrett clear of the tog The tow of the steamerjiut 0lm cit the stern if this tuifho tt Miuro t itnd eia heditt I lie port lile nf thooil large Acme both of whichwe rum In ttiwtf the Htntidurd AII oil tank oiet withSIMHI hnrrdu of pt irnlcuin wine broken and the II lostCnpt ihitere flint I Hurry Kolli a ere the I onl > men ontionnt tile Acm They were tnkcn nn liounl the RteninerThe logo timed tie barge to 1ur 1 horth Klver Shewni unHPhtd helow tho winter line and M ill probablyInk llm I tinfd inrire and oil hotoiure I to tic btnndar 1Oil rompany Thelonn is I fit out nmtos ibo i pn innerrnttirtnil to her dork aid unloaded It will cost aboutSUM to repulr her ttanmgcsConarntnlalttiff the New School CommissIonersThe appointment of Mrs Agnew and Misstrace II Dodife to the Hoard of hducatlnn hai awakened the enthnttaim of women rufTraclitti They conelder the appointment fit reward for their exertionsin Kecurinn the pR8 Ree of the law allowing women toPers e on Hoard of 1 durst Inn In lie rfrnt The WomanSnlTnff u jmitvri MHB mintttce bent letter of contrratu ation to both of thu lady Ciuiml ilomr yePtcrutah and Mr Hamilton 0 Hcnx uho nlro MJ s lie corkedliMit to cerium tile piin ntrH of the law raited at the CityHall yesterday nnd hnndrd Secretary Turner n conirrMufitori renntutlnn for the Mayor The nppolntpeishut ihetn rlvi uuay frnm reporter nnd refuse to sayanillmu rrRtmltnir their > iews I or plans They willprobably jo teforo Mayor Urace today or tomorrow totake oath of olllcfHer Hodr Olvcn Ui by tike StayThe body of a woman about 55 years old waswashed on tile chore Governors Ulund at 84 ocloadyesterday morning and was brought lo the Morgue InIlls city It wets identified In the afternoon l > yJopphRlnnlofSOt Tompkltu avenue llrooklyn at the body ofhits mliBlng wife Chrlitlno Mrs flIng showed lympttm of lulcldalmanla for tome time On Sunday shefilled lath tub wllh water and when dIscovered nd >inltlvd that she was about to drown henelC She leftleer home tt II noiock ohm Wcdieedoi evening Cs incflat she was gottig to get mm eroeerles Cli did nitrelUrmi cmiii this iuquirirs of her iuMband mit inn onlyresulted tin arertatintmig bat ails bail been sate goingtoward he Eait RIverLbor and WagesThe ntrlto of the omnlovees of the ColumbiaRolling Will In Lancaster Fa for anincreaeelntheprice ot puddllntr Iron to f 3 85 which has been In progret for iicurly four moiitliis Uu been compromised IbeDin accepting J 75The coke cynuilcete yesterday practically denied toarrant the iieiiuond of the inlnvm care on the queitlonaof weltriiliur the coal on tipple Instead of wanna mvnurement as at prcnut and to pay every two wicks Inlead of monthlyThe Ztlffht Vrlt of Fuch BrokenWillie John Miller of East Orange WAS speeding hH hors In Central avenue Newark yesterdayafternocn he collided with a buggy containing JohnParry and tins wife of South Oraijf Hoth vehiclewire upnet Miller kull was fractured and U Isthuutthi he will die Ur and Mr Uarcy were thrownto the ground and the rlxht wrist of each was brokenFIXANCIdt AND COlllUISKCItrNew York Block ExcintanngeSaies Nov If9vetTeD STATE AMD STATK row IN IIOOOsSOU B 4s r 127141 77 N U Boeol11 U a 4s 0127JJ9U7 Tax 12Kna LuUCofl45u44 103Car us N t o > iRAItROlD 1KD OTHIR BOXD3 IY lOOOli621 All PftClt7tilait2hl 35 4hohi 0 2115 Atie rao tstS7f4i1kh dcii 43c5424 All A bus con iitO 5 Rich Cenm7aesiur13ltN lstlU9 IMQL Un Tei83ttl0 Itiita 0 iii itt hoNor 110 tllithu Cii I lcd Cal it hilt 1 20 c iti2020 10 0 A I istB28t45 Cii a 0 so h7lihiS7uuii t Nor A it get1137uIll tluor33M0335 II NYasuumstim5un3 C Ii a 0 4 I ilLiiiti I N VA L 21IhICan 10 1st 1O71 S l Jun cn a11i8110 Cii t 13 ilL lot It N V teitrat lslil7tiN V Csmit mis25 Coi Cnal4Isttc1jlui 87 lhi33tO35it Ch14nLA NOitt7 2 N V leit cx kIliT15 11pm it 5 ii I ic 4 J N k Ciliat t3JhI Iielt itun 113t4 iji k Mit 1mu lIeu t IL U10 N 1 Ch 4 It La Dcii 0 it I IVlet a 7Ol Ibm NWsras 1154272 Fn tile cx 4 58 N hV ioulSiiii C iO3SiO2 C4 Ers 4111 CI I 13 U OhIo I 3Ilas cnI Eriin21 114 1 5tutu It Teon til Con C O1 10 Otlo t Mias Cull13 il IVirtil lit 8iUhi JimI mitVCpiihmi3iiGSh I 2 tibIa 50 lit 1117120 Ureonl Lilly nti3l31tj 43 thiiohn not4 eiiif C 6 5 k 1 5 LlIit1h4iiuimis 103 7 in imu Is t7AJ71m33 UoCS Vii lit 2i rca i r iiirio M2eu F 12 It A It Coin met ci heoUA nm Si0 qmlv mm lot no lilt C 0 Ini21 Ii I Tel iCflT eiilli7ut 1111 it Iii 1110 utulu 3 Ro 0 a 0sl43 liiii it iii Ist131intUihiI Intl 5 Ill 4 slmqc21 Rick tslanii cx isIttiIf mu IlL lii iuI4ul4 i ill ti iiiti lam I l4I iron Mt html a ii 21 Ci A Ay 1st 7itlaT7ia lion Ml 2 Shmmi VUIi liitL It 11 let tiit 4 hi h A 13 1 iI3 lot ttreuist433ai Ci I 412 5105 rcnlIluwithii I 5111UI kiln 1 I ci lllti4 U St Jo a US2 Kant rchuti93d5 Iumiixltilu A Oh no 140 Tex iai It 0 ui11 1021 T Itme Lou aui 7 I ii I Tex Pac html1 builaaCiii miuO mu r it 671421 1eU a T IuPiClfi 175 lox Par IS Lie t N IS 0 A T ItII di 2 1 04 5 Tel 0 hV cmi me12 L N A t Cli Iii Toi3tiiiotjeflLiCt10thi i7Il I 17 Lii luii len I 1111I I N A A Cii CuiiOei 4 LnhitCl 11mm 5 Cii 1 Valley It tf OhioCII brC iminrSiitst 142 5 Watt 1 1 CutUt321 Shiub I 0 let 43 hhee Shoreitch1thu74Total salts ot railway bonds pit alne lilMUOOIumLtt000 Lice OTitmiR maciatiIlroadl 1115 Norf A W51950 iOOA1IT H so 3WeiliorfAcpfini 15IOU A lAHantare H7i ho liar rao29143Z9 iCH10IAII i miict2iti3 11051 HorlAi olmi45rnt51 >1141 run iac7A s7ni RipS NWrn 1JO 4i IIU2ocan mutniul u > 23U Vrw ot I4Jjoiocsn Cjb3lSi5JM luieti isYcrnt tiaijiiai201 Cent Iowa l5 2eN Y CIt Jt2tii 3 0 C I7eta7ht 81 U I8 VMis t700 rn st u r le nnef234c2lnmsf35tf334 7lOi elnaiin1B23LIH tasl A 4iHlin or tIllHilt 0t30i I7NIOIHO utvs IUauCUJSClll mm ash A null 11110 A Mil nf tilli Halt U lljaiOj niuur KAN Haiii7 nui Buuiemi heelSDM MIL I lit I Iron lJat0IsihlSnrcf I2Il2fl14 191 Mo tantI iuiasi ill 6 l or linn Cm8i44437i21st lint 5 II 2ii4 lOt 4iTt itt 1 maims 77 5s tit14 I ennC3i4523 017 I vt UmitlhifluLd77522nnoolls A Hi II I I llknt KflililiUr Ml IL ornt so 7 Trvll smells Iiuttijls o N A chat 8U4Ol4 Total sllni JtnlUJtCLosmo mIncesIMit 4tei 114 AmktIn 4IA C IHK nr I I I l Mltsnitn rite I in I 5hltM 4o r IlO llll Ullnli Cent ixiy iifl4u n is r 1271 4 rli MAKt t rrom i > LH4SC IJ7K 17 i Mo k JkTrX n7tt 17 eIAlllml ICIlY I n Ii a am rci ic Mm L n > 64IFast Tent U 14 Reich A Pitts 7 IIKleltn Istorj 75U 71 U Mich A Jan InnK TsnnlilbtM 3J1 ltlt Illci A Uf r2 rrie ant li Knallnr Slits flimhrfbrer 7t 7b > Cl iiiui A Msnllh I ItsFort Worth ft Tel I Iac 22ue 221Dm cllr 21 25s Cruel rno O ItJjton A Niisn tt2S m2i thai A 1nr 2ti ClLakaHnore W7i Ii7 4 Wan A Iae nf 54Man KTcon1 IbJ IDJjJ nest uu1el IteM 7eTiitmitHY Nov 19Todayfl stock market furnished further andunmtatnknblo ovldonco as to time character ofthe present speculation Tine storm by thedamage It did to tim telegraph Bystom of thocountry Interfered largely with outoftownbusiness yet tIle volumo of transactions didnot suffer materially At time oxplratlon of Limofirst hour the traced ot yesterdays extensivercalllnc had for the most part passed mvnyTim rest of the day tine ontlro list was strongrind lltoclosluB was confident nt tlio bust figuresrecorded Tlio change of front was largely necompllshod under limo leadership of tIne Vnnderbllt stocks which nccordlng to nil accountshave boon taken hold of for n now upwardmovement based of course upon tho December dlvldomK Thoro M n disposition tnsonio quarters to predict a dividend oflt per cent on Now York Centralfor tine current quarter Allot the otlior Vimdorhilt shares nn of course to bo put backupon time dividendpaying list To daysmovement carried Canada Southern and Michigan Central up 1I Indianapolis 2 antI Lnkn Shore Y l cont Eriewas nctlvo amid hlchnr upon reports that theprospects of a settlement of thIn express warare improving and also bcrtuimio of rumorednegotiations for a traffic alliance with tho Ohioamid Mississippi road So far as tho expresswar IB I concerned tbo extent to which It IBbeing carried IB tIme unrest Indication that theend Is nmamr At truuent the companies nromaking rates that warrant their getting all thefreight business of time roads tHey run userregnrdlpRs of olu slllfatlonIhire nro no signs of nn nbntomont of tinespeculation In Boutliorn sccurltio Ohio andMlBslsMppl was Iho favorIte with foreign dealfirs today possibly In connnclion with thin dealwith Erlo referred to Tile common stockgained 2l V cent on large transactionslllohmond and West Point was moro activethan for several days at wldn fluctuation Thinfirst movement was from 625 > nt the openinglo 49J > J bill the recovery to S3 at tine cloao wasvery Biiggestlveof a snoop In the Block In anticipation of developments expected at theBpuclal meeting ot the stockholders at hItchmond tomorrow Memphis nnd Charlestonran up3X V t cent anti the dealings in it wereunusually largo Louisville and Nashville andthe Norfolk and Western and tho KnitTonnoefico Blocks were more moderatelydealt In anti tIme improvement In themWHS moro gradual In tile afternoon Headingwhich had been firm at about SU showed freshstrength and at tine close evinced adecidoti ditposlllon lo advance in the face of some Insidepredictions adverse to such n movement Atthe eamma time the Granger Blocks moro especially Northwest and Uinnhn common beganto receive fresh attention Uf the BpuclalllosNow England was conspicuous at n gain of IKV cent and so was Hocking Valley nt a Hlmlhiradxnnro Doth of these Blocks appear to bowell cllqitod There was loss doing In Philadelphia Company and It Wile an exception InclosIng lower In tho unlisted department of theExchange timers was a vigorous speculation Intine receipts fnr thn new Uinvor securities andlu American Cotton Seed Oil Trust ccrtlllcnloBTexas Paclll securities reflected the progressthat Is being made toward a compromise botrreon the rooganlzatlon committee and thoholders of the land grant Income bonds whileall ot the Atlimllo and Pnclllc securities werefavorably affected by the formal announcementrelative the now and olosor relations betweenthe company and Us principal owners tho SanFrancisco and the Atchison companies ThoNorthern Pacific directors at theIr meeting today discussed tile possibility of joining withthe Union Pacific In its base of thn OregonItallway and Navigation properly The sentiment ot the Hoard was almost unanimously Infavor of Improving the opportunlly lo establish closer relations wIth tine Oregon Navigation Company and the special committeeupon the euhject which BO far as can belearned has made no progress In thin matterowing to the views held by its Chairman wascontinued It wns slalnd in the Hoard that anynegotiations that wero opened unon the nubmet would haxo to bo with tha Union PacificCompanyClosing pricos compare with those of yesterday us lollovvsKov 17 Not IS JVDl 17 Aor 18Can TAB 7054 7uu4 Nortnwestcominn uCan Southern C4B 5i5 leer Pie of 1h4J4 Mjjco liA ind 7J 74 H VlentraLIH I114CMOB4QI3HH 140 N T AN B b2i 6314Cons uas 514 > N5I Del L West 141 I41U Onmnacnin raI 54 vJieiI Muuson luHtj I0i omananf 115 lidDsflI KU ai4 JH Out A West 211 silVhoe 83JJ ansl Dr It A NIiu1i J 18lax CenTs 14 1IH llreiron A T O 87 37HLastTenn 7n 7n i 1ariHuHaa O4 raitT JJ niL 32j TJ > ItlohAW f fiJJ f > JiCan 4 Texas STi 3714 Itaadmir 31114 3OfjInu A 21ari m1 623 M ram coin Slit ii uriInre norn 9ii Ii7 ManhAi 2UMlonCen us Ort > f ttab A Pac of tHi > KiiMissourI tacllo nu Seat un ret 7o ii 784Nash ft Chat UU rWiQovnrnmont bonds qulot anti Irregular withthe 4K4 14 J higher bltl nt tile close ItnllwnylionilH nnuflunllv actIve nnil lie imirlut strongtlirniishoiif TIne nouwnrthv nihnncKH woioIn Atlantic nnit Faxillo Incomes J Chlcnyoand Iniilnnn Coal Kullwuy lets 34 Krlo liiHoxcoupon K Memphis anti Ch irlcston lotsK Peorln Uucftttirand Kvntmillo Incomes 1nnit oahtorn division Incomes IV Toxns liclllc Hlos lust receIpts 1i ntnl laml grant InrotncH trust n > celit 1i V cent Denver nndItio irnmla Vttehmmrri t Isle ilecllmull mllmmltlonmlrimttti and Wn rca Incntiiri l V and ItlclmiouJIand Alluchitnylate I V h centIfonoy on call onslcr nt oSC 1 centSterling oxohanuo dull and ffiattirolnnq withpo tod iiHklnu rats unfliniiueil at f481i furlong bills and 180 for demandJlr Frcd rlk T I Adims ot thn Chain Kitlonnl Haul was elected a momler ol thu tituelcExchanuo todayThe report of tIm Memphis nnil CharlestonIliillroad Company or time year onuihmlg Juncaoaliowi grist iMinlnK1ot tllMr2 decreaseof fit ti7d nn eu onipaii > il vlth i tho t iirnlntm vein rniul flit arnliiki lISIL3I4 nn Incroasoof ShiSOiil Tho iiiymontu of Intorcst cir trusts nndfor ohnnulni thin uauua of thu roiil reiutoj InUollcltol tll519meeting of tho Iioldrr of tho honda nailfftnck of thin lirookljn Ihitljimh antI UoncyIxland llallrond Coiniuiiiy has buun callad forTanadar thn J3il nt 10 A M at tim compnnydofllcun 3iQ 1nlton Street BrooklynTime Now York Ontario and Wostnrn UillniyConuiany report fur thn year onillne Sept UutImes earnings 4DJrSl 1 net uarutugs Ii1JJJ Interest and rentnls 11U351JThin Chlcnco Burlington and Qnlncv Itillrmid Company nnnciuncoi n muulHnjuuitorlydlsldandotli Vcontiinyablo t Dot 15rile TronRaryatatomnnt shows only triflingchanges Tho balance mIreJVou 17 yrm 1839 teila5iOLenal tenders jul8luiO 3nin7lhHTrial imUSIIlll IUI2I07 7Silver balsnee NSOH47Saiialiisl 13010 yesterdayIiitornnl rpynniio receipts today fll922Jcustoms I4VJ471The bullion In thn Dank of England has Increaand 1112000 during time pact week Theweekly Btatomunt ol tile Dank of IVanre showsaducieaso of lHWdoo trance In gold and nlincrease of 4575 statement of iho ImperIal Hank of GermanyshovvB nn Increase In Hpeclo of 0100001 iniiroParis advices quotn 3 per contB at 8280 andoxchungo on London 2335XNew Turk MarketsTIIUIcntY Nov 19Froun ANPThe lurutn siimotceut irate limit I nice ruiiei pleaterConomciultnres itelnel niesrer on i Ihtiliier reportIronic lieerIliii itit lit Wnhuer iti ill tOouiltiweit uiinil 9iOt Tie Nuveumuber C Ui for Dsenhber 0 I Intirjaosirr lm2t5 fer Psirumire 92he tar March II Eehr pnmu u5c br Itay mimic tiirJuiie idle mr Julyan 14 ego tar h uhihUsh blots iuiil hiihiiilliig uplonmiU 3mie Outfsim e lttceimms at tins urLs tiil4 milay 05tlillMiil4iilll4les Ilhaitphh lean fiiiur ier Pence otemnc > lo tin nroiiAIII l > llat UK i igiti In HIM Nrlhii > l baa bib elttii I nr > 4i i sri fin tIe iirxl topi i 51 s sdruumOi tuli at> Unu i t fur Iimceiiiluer HIiUMH i foe lenluinev fnatc8C851 Inc l 101 F3 tue it triii UI 1514 Iton AprIl tOjiCfi foe 14ev amnt liJt 4114141 hurtiiiiiiii ci at neil ii is ritlize flniui r miii i I hi S iOn tiic scarI luy at frsigbmi roeiit slisekot lineines i sub lunci micdI Rita Ni I reb fluter i1si4 ii S Slat mn Na 4do 4i iPc iii elsaatiur aiiui detimereilt imngrststCu 77i4e8i sdoit ciii No 2 Milwaiiit tiJicefloati ann No 1 hard uiuiuth 7014s eLliotI cliii coon fimlimra were htrmner fruhn Sm iiipstby wIthwheel I lit seeuihailoti dmliu ihs 784 isO hililil So 4ifliXeit at 433A4tis finrheceiiibee 47i41e iorJsnuiry47ie tot holirmery and ho520c for May lIpmt cornwas vry iirii hal quit dolt1 elcC loctinlel No 4 isiti ciAt 4ii44ul34n lavAivr AIII aflott Data ware lathir simmer Lattrail and frecul llnn alUm dulli Mtc I1mo lnfIneluillnr options No 3 at 81 l3e for DtetmlfrOlial Wc fir Januarr and rl4e for Jlnyi and intin lion iniird At aiainjc saul while nt Id me soIniiialitv Hs firm at i0 nlloted At f Or llirley untetllrd at R8c fir tamiuiiiaitnrtToe for Western and OU0i Ic for to it Towel SIQIWtiles liicliiitrfilxrnHedi > liilrAITiiCs1lP nl I nine miturailid mtinutiI It Silo After Thune IVhiat nrini Nn3 red Intrr for December ttJct Jannarr t4lact rehrunr R No t niixetl fir December 4 nJaiinnrr 47ot 1 Si I hrican 445n May Mtc Uatsiexiyi Kn 3 mixed forlieccmrer tt4ct t Janusry 3ICi I MAV UiitCiltnynuboOCtalul futures mere nnner cmii thi urcio 4Ulliin niulo ncillPI sales 1Oct11 tam At H 4mGfl Ale furHecemtiir na78ISi for Jnnnari onic for IMirnntvaitI I H e2wtt 410 fir itivcim After locate the rlnirnMal n alp for liercmber ivaoc for Jsiui iry n aiic for l > ormrv Aid 04lp for Marrh IPOI lori wee niil lriPass 1151 I tis at u Kip for lIlt plijr mUi iUofor prime to choice XVesiern nml uooi for nnneil inthe Continent Pork very flint but quid At SIC viafloTIfur lien men I Hull meats aclhei t tAliJt KMIO bsrlPkleil tiMiiti at 7 7i Hrrsiel hnjs flriiiprnt V1Wi Tallow flee m4to linlter alit chusess soinennaiuniettlcil Frill eCe J40J1ClnopKiun Uiffi ron the siotnaa nrmer st iSo tnttale mmiZo s Im with > ni i > nf II a > il hair at llaio OKNo H II I H4i4I iSle for No 7 ami I2ti4b2l for No 0tilI retIre attic aciiimil l hISS hugs Miirnpnlbn suitUK tiajo Baranllla cut prlvilo term tIle ontloiiopened luimiMil on Ilntrr alUee but pirilally rfreilcKl ploilnir with scuds at I Isle for Nutimlier ainlDecember anil 113c t i for the mime dUtiuit unit intowith salts of Pi75 11 MK Rate fniriir tenlr it 4j for fnlr reflnlini nnd Mfc for tnndarii pntitriluirnl rlitiPsiet 73011 ham peiilnfiiral 54m l2 llibiU uiiifcoinjo4So and II iiLei lines llraills at 4c lieflned coralsquiet iloiseses ii lilt1kTnoiKuv Crulc pertlftcates were ncttxn and iocllitfdi I ninnlMtf nt 7i1u > selhnir at 7IIt575Xc AndCiuiliz at 143tT4c I enlee 31 > j HlJblfNaval Rtoirs Silrlti turpentine was inlit And ilrnnlWeiaslgr ut 3140live Nmck MitrknrNAf YorK Thiircdar Nov 18No trailing Inbeees liMU oiiiu 40car mule were In tho peiliu4 iraVa nt Jersey lIlt maltit late nrrhils estrrilaiii i there trio no pall fir them 5nit ti llm IITCKMI itbuf iraite wits exremielr dull nt T 7 p l lii Ion mimicII rmiit of I inc ties beef from nplonn stuiiifhler iioiles sold nl8c It > Itimrli today 70 btevep 71 then nnd HIDiliinrtrrii nf brrfVenls were Ainiit slrsdy al 45cjsii p ID trnFtrldull nnd we ik H HIJSc Itcr > tpt IliiJ lieulhbeei timil 1 Iniilli Ill Minn nn mi nl linrhrtniriil tirlcesIonr tu Komi nhCi wtt at ir l lic nth lit rominnntoprlnifi Inmlisat I3n4c nlilt 1 cam lod at 0ic Kcceliitu nnvihitluiuic ilulnir In tle hoir In the mornlnir Smat Inatty atetily ot4 2Ix3IbuJ I illcu lbs Ieceliits 0770SI A III SI JXlKftlUKHDl JHim I mete 4 331 in i rlim 12 OJBllll WitKR THU HITSandy hook 1121 I lor Is and 1431 t Hall late 9CJArrlTOd Tlltn n TVnv IBFit Ot I Dominion bmlth Itlclnnond CIty 1oint AndSerf ilkbii Mexico ItiMittn llnvAnane NnciKHhre Ktmnion nannnh84 hitalit V rllit Ierth Ambothint lv tiell itiarr klnKn rerrv Ptalink 11 lltiklls rninpiitnillco Mu elrilhunk Ic laIr HlUtiei I I r ipi Calm ilnhurt II K llenme Ililllim Port SpiliiJlurk Hal I ItiM vllt lull Ioistcnlallnrk Jo oT rncnn hi ctoi I MaluurHN11 irk Jihn miami un Ianc mtir lurks IslandhaCk HrLbiia r bchnriili HIM rnaABRinn OUTFiTrare from Now York At SouthamptonSt Caledonia from Now S irk nt A von mouthSB ciitii hmilin Nuty york at UlLrultnriuufIcflORIVEMNllXVATIItfOXV St ThomasVPhurchMil uv Ami 531 rt on Not IS bj HIH Lev Ilradt Klnckn > KrankPrevellnKto mlh I II VViilcrlim ilaliKhher if Jinuet It VVnterlow nil ot tlih pityIKIil N THArilt Oil Sty 17 1411 l at HIP Preibvmedian hurcli t Intflenord N J li > Hie I Ilee l RobertKiiMell Ilnolh I I > XVIIIIiin XVnUer enruen in Jciilcikliltzinn daughter if lltnjauiln C lliojcr Eel all oCKlillleivood N JIIIUUN IIMV1TT At rtlncwood N Jon NOT 15bv tile ICev Thomai M leter James O Ureen of Kentucky lo Am Hownmnil ilighterof Abrnin 8 llenlltJOVMH UlflOIM On Ucdllpmlny flue 17 at tliertiurch of tIne Trntistlifiiratlon by lIne Itev Ur Ilomrhton Ella ViDiinln luahter of ttio late hreilerlck XVCnirvtll of New Xork to Levins Jni nesof RichmondXXKAXIK MISllllIIl llll Tuo la > aflernoon Norin by the ttt Ill in Llojil D O Wllllnin XXnll XXpavirto Emnm I iulaa lleinpttll daUEbter of Ur Jos ll mphlll all uf this cityvillaARTIlDRUhls re Mencc la this city on ThursdayNot 1H Chester A ArthurFuneral serrlces wl I K held at the torch of theHcuv t nly Itest 511 av and 4tb st on Konday inornlnirNov 22 nt 1 oclock preciselyBUIITON At ibis late residenea Chestnut st Cypresshits Thos A 1urton 1mm the 5ilh year of iihe ageRelatives and friends are reiiiiectfulli requeued to attend his funeral pert bes from big fato ruldcnce ouFriitny the I9lh ln t at 2 P HrAVANAIlIIVichnel youngest ion ot Julia andthe late Vllrhacl CnvnunehFuneral from tIle ranthera residence 450XVestBlh ton Friday NuT IB nt 1 JO I MCOIKVlAN AI her reticence at Rift GOth st onWednesday Nov 17 Miry smttu Uoleman widow otJnines roieman ol Vlallfim NJrunernl from her Into residence on Rattlrudr Nov 2Ont U A M Holemn requiem ma s at Onlhedral ut H 5i > AM Interment at Mndlsnn N J n special train aliu lIlohokon laU U ami XV at 12 11 rttunilML after thafuneral Upon arrival at Madison service will beheldIn ht Vincents Ctiurdi1AILHJ tNOn Tuesday Nor 10 Kate beloved wifeotJo ItnmlolphKoneral from Metnchon rf J on Friday NOT 10 viiDesbronses Street Ferry at 13 noon thence to CalvaryCemeteryOKKAOilTT Wednesday mornlnc NOT 17 ThusOeraffhty Auotlvo of county Kildare Irtlaud aired 073 earsFuneral from his late residence 107 Warren st JerseyCity at U 31 ocli ck thin I rllnv morning thence to StPeters Church hero mass ot rquleui Mill bo sungfor the hapiiy riposo of Ills soulKEYCSAtYuiiken on Nov 16 the Hon Edwin BKevesFuneral services At Central M B Church on FridayNov 10 AH J MMolLVAIX Wednefulnr Nor 17 at the residenceof her parents utt Adams PL UrOkhn S Addle onlydauirhterof Itntiert B lund Mary Mrlliftln and xranudaughter of II H Mcllvuln of East lUlh St New YorkIn her JlsiyenrServices nt her late residence on Friday evening At 8oclock InternieiK private JICAA omit fluiversKKVILL1 in diieKilav Nov 17 at 11cr resldonco77J3d BV Miry widow of Ihon Iteville of pncumonlnrunernl sen ins nt st Agnes church Kast 4JJ st al10 so A M nn Krhav Rite 10BUDIOVin XVLiln s1a inornlnir Nov 17 TheresaheliA d wire of John VV hudlow ogeil 31 years Bmouthiand idiyfrmiernl service on Frllay evening B oclock at herresidence 31 fnwton st Brooklyn Relntlvus findfriends are Invited

THE Note Pe Chot at 8 11


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